A postman, on his route, picked up a letter from a mailbox that was addressed to God. The postman seeing that the letter was not sealed, and there being no postage on it, opened and read it. It was from a man who was down on his luck and was asking God for help. The letter asked for $50 to get his family through the next week. The postman, being a Mason, took the letter to Lodge that evening, read it, and asked for donations for the unfortunate fellow. The Masons, wanting to help, took up a collection, and received twentny five dollars from the brethren. The Secretary placed the cash in a Lodge envelope, and gave it to the postman to deliver the following day, which he did. Another day passed, and the postman again found an unsealed letter in the mailbox addressed to God. Again he opened and read the letter, which thanked God for the money, but instructed him to send it through the Knights of Columbus next time as the Masons kept half.
-- Edited by hotciats at 14:09, 2004-11-03
.:. : :. "Time and Perseverance will Accomplish All Things" .:. : :.
A Doctor and Plumber are in the same Lodge. On Sunday Morning the Doctor wakes up to find his toilet blocked. So he rings the Plumber. "But I don't work Sundays! Can't it wait until tomorrow." The Doctor said. "I don't like working Sundays either but if you were in trouble, and felt unwell, Brother I would come round to see you" "OK" says the Plumber and goes round to the Doctor. Goes upstairs and looks at the toilet, take two aspirins from his pocket and throws them down the bowl. "There" he says "If it's no better tomorrow give me a ring and I will call round."
During my term as WM, I was busy conducting the business of the Lodge and there are a lot of paper on my table that needs to be resolved by the lodge, not to mention the things I have to sign. When suddenly, while i was trying to organize those papers, I accidentally knocked my gavel and it fell to the floor. A brother sitting on the South side exhaled out loud for the whole lodge to hear, "The Wrshpful Master just dropped his Working Tools."
Bro. Rommel S.J. Corral, PM
Rafael Palma Lodge No. 147
While visiting a newly initiated brother at home one day, his wife took me to one side and said her husband had started behaving very strangely since joining. I enquired in what way? "He locks himself in the toilet for hours on end mumbling to himself with his little blue book."
As the evening proceeded I turned the talk to lodge, and asked him how he was getting on. "Oh fine was his reply." I asked him about his behavior and if there was anything wrong.
"No", was his reply. "So why only read the book in the bathroom? "Well," he said "Its the only TILED room in the house"....