If you allude to the present system of chartered lodges, then Masonry is about 250 years old.
If you allude the alleged parent operative crafts, then Masonry is about 500 years old.
If you allude to the rights and symbols and precepts which are essentially Christian in character, then Masonry is as old as the Christian religion.
If you mean those which are Jewish in character, then Masonry is as old as the Hebrew race.
If you allude to the spirit of Masonry,which includes the book of nature, then Masonry is as old as the hills and vales.
You may also say that Masonry is young. She has received and holds within her bosom the fundamental truth from every age, and as truth, however old, is always new, is always young, then Masonry is always young.
.:. : :. "Time and Perseverance will Accomplish All Things" .:. : :.